Participants in the workshop

Preparing India’s front line disaster response team to protect animals in emergencies


We are continuing to work with India’s National Disaster Response Force (NDRF) to train relief and rescue personnel to protect animals caught up in disasters.

As a nation we continue to be vulnerable to devastating disasters like floods, droughts, landslides and earthquakes, across terrains and regions.

With your support, animals are being protected during disasters across India. Earlier this year, we conducted training sessions, the first of its kind in India, in association with the National Disaster Response Force (NDRF), College of Veterinary Sciences, Assam, and the Policy Perspective Foundation. Recently, a second group of NDRF relief and rescue personnel, attended our comprehensive training in the Management of Animals in Emergencies.

During a six-day workshop, held in Palampur, Himachal Pradesh, 30 rescue personnel undertook evacuation drills and training techniques, to respond to the urgent and longer term needs of animals in emergencies.

We conducted this round of training sessions, in association with the NDRF, DGCN College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Palampur, Himachal Pradesh, and the Policy Perspective Foundation.

Every training workshop is ensuring that NDRF relief and rescue personnel are well equipped to evacuate and help animals, and people, in disasters. With more than two-thirds of India’s rural population dependent on animals, the ability to better protect animals will help protect people too.

Read more about our work on disaster preparedness for animals and people.

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