The milk we consume everyday is a result of unimaginable pain and cruelty suffered by dairy animals in urban and peri-urban dairies.
What is inside our milk?
We have grown up with the notion that to drink a glass of milk every morning is nourishing and beneficial for us. Most of our mornings, breakfasts or meals during the day are followed by a cup of tea or coffee that contains a key ingredient – milk. As a country, and as a society we are dependent on milk or milk products and they form an important part of our daily food intake. But do we ever wonder what is inside our milk?
The milk we consume everyday is a result of unimaginable pain and cruelty suffered by dairy animals in urban and peri-urban dairies.
An estimated 50 million dairy animals suffer every day in India
A significant number of these suffer the worst cruelty as they live in unacceptable conditions in these urban and peri-urban dairies.
They are left with untreated wounds, surrounded by faeces and urine, tied-up 24/7 with no room to move or roam.
We want to end the suffering of dairy animals
World Animal Protection is working to end the suffering of these dairy animals. With our network of volunteers, we are giving a voice to these voiceless creatures who cannot share their pain with the world. One of our volunteers has prepared an animated video to show the journey of this suffering – from the dairy animals to the glass of milk in front of us. Watch the video
Share this video with your friends and family and tell them the reality of what is inside your milk.
Support the #BetterDairy campaign and end cruelty on millions of dairy animals.