Today is 4th October, World Animal Day. You might not be celebrating this day every year, but this year can be different. This year you can help the Elephants of Amer Fort.
How many of us have taken an elephant ride?
Let’s be honest. How many us have taken an elephant ride? As children, we loved the prospect of sitting on an elephant and waving at people walking nearby.
As adults riding elephants brought back memories of childhood and also brought a sense of pride and royalty. But that feeling is misplaced. Because there is #NoPrideinElephantRide.
Let us celebrate World Animal Day differently
Today is 4th October, World Animal Day. You might not be celebrating this day every year, but this year can be different. This year you can help the Elephants of Amer Fort. Elephants at Amer Fort (also known as Amber Fort) in Jaipur city, Rajasthan, India are being forced to give tourists rides. They are often controlled with bullhooks which cause wounds and scarring.
Of the 102 elephants at Amer Fort, 19 are blind, 10 have tuberculosis – all are suffering.
Support us to protect Elephants at Amer Fort
Your support can end their suffering. Sign this petition and tell the government of Rajasthan to end elephant rides at Amer Fort. Across the world, wild animals are taken from the wild, or bred in captivity, to be used for entertainment in the tourism industry. This is exactly what is happening with the elephants of Amer Fort. And the sad story doesn’t end when the tourists go home. When they are not giving tourist rides, these elephants are chained, they are unable to socialise, graze or freely move. This causes them great stress and painful foot problems as well.
How are elephants being raised?
We must tell you how these elephants are raised and treated. The elephants of Amer Fort are taken early from their mothers and forced through a horrific training process known as 'the crush'. Our joy rides up the steep climb of the Amer Fort is a gruelling punishment for these elephants causing them skin and muscle injuries.
Let's bring some joy back to these elephants
But we can put an end to this cruelty. We love elephants, they bring a smile on our face when we see them. Let’s bring some joy back into their lives.Take the pledge of not take elephant rides and share the same with your family members and friends. Tell them about the cruelty happening with the elephants and Amer Fort and ask them to take action as well. Wildlife is not for entertainment. Let’s bring freedom to these elephants on this World Animal Day.
#WorldAnimalDay #AmerFort #NoPrideInElephantRide #NotEntertainers