A graphic combining titled text and a bowl of fresh vegetable

Eat Less Meat

A great way to continue helping farmed animals daily is to eat more plant foods and fewer animal proteins. The immense scale at which we are producing and consuming meat today has negative implications on our health and the planet.

Help improve the lives of farmed animals. Reduce the amount of cruelly-produced meat you eat today.

By increasing the demand for plant-based foods we can, in turn, reduce reliance on farmed animals and make higher welfare production systems—with more space, fewer antibiotics, healthier growth, and more natural environments—more feasible. We can also reduce the role of our food system in climate change and public health crises. 

Environment and Climate Change

The earth lost half its wildlife since 1970 but tripled its livestock population. The global food system is the biggest driver of the destruction of the natural world, and a shift to predominantly plant-based diets is crucial in halting the damage. 

The current intensive farming system is a hurdle towards better ecosystems and rich biodiversity. Animal farming occupies almost 80 per cent of agricultural land globally. Farm animals account for 60 per cent of all mammals by mass. 

Treatment of farm animals is the world’s biggest animal welfare issue – and it’s getting bigger due to factory farming. By 2050, livestock production will be twice what it was in 2000. It's time to EAT LESS MEAT!

Currently, more than 70 billion animals are farmed for food each year – two-thirds in conditions that mean they can’t move freely or live naturally.

Hence, eating less meat and moving towards more plant-based food is an all-rounder solution, benefitting our people, animals, and environment. Our future depends on us rethinking how we treat all animals. We must all urgently work together to transform the global food system and end cruel factory farming.  Let’s do it for animals, for people and for our planet.

Multiple different coloured  chickens trapped in a wire cage

Irresponsible use or overuse of antibiotics are frequently associated with low welfare systems and pose an increased global risk to animal and human health.

Pledge to eat less meat and more plant-based food in your diet. You can do it!

Right now, more than 70 billion animals are farmed for food each year – two-thirds in conditions that mean they can’t move freely or live naturally.

Do you pledge to eat less meat and more plant-based food in your diet for a better you, better animals and a better planet?

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By submitting this form, I agree to receive further communications from World Animal Protection and understand I can opt out at any time. For information on how we use your details, and how we keep your details safe, please read our privacy policy.

Three stop signs titled no beef, no pork, no chicken

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